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after: String
annictIds: [Int!]
before: String
first: Int
last: Int
names: [String!]
orderBy: OrganizationOrder
): OrganizationConnection


searchOrganizations.after ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

searchOrganizations.annictIds ● [Int!] list scalar

searchOrganizations.before ● String scalar

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

searchOrganizations.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n elements from the list.

searchOrganizations.last ● Int scalar

Returns the last n elements from the list.

searchOrganizations.names ● [String!] list scalar

searchOrganizations.orderBy ● OrganizationOrder input


OrganizationConnection object

The connection type for Organization.